Miami's #1 Art Magazine
Todays Date
29 March 2025
Downtown Miami Event Space, Miami Art Scene, Miami Creative Space, Artist Studios, Art Gallery in Downtown Miami

2nd Annual Downtown Art Days Event at McCormick Place

Join us on Friday, September 2o, 2o13 at McCormick Place in the heart of Downtown, Miami for our 2nd Annual DwnTwn Art Days Event at 111 SW 3rd Street, Miami FL 3313o. Art, music and fashion fuse at the epicenter of Miami’s cultural crossroads, during the Downtown Development Authorities’ DwnTwn Art Days. 

McCormick Place will offer an evening of multi-sensory experiences stimulated by fine dining, art and jazz, from 6-10pm, transitioning through fashion installations into a DJ party scene, from 10pm-3am. The vertical 22,000 sq ft space will allow guests to explore three floors of artwork, while engaging with renowned artists

McCormick Place, in Downtown Miami, has morphed into an art and culture hub featuring artist studios, gallery and event venue space. Last year’s grand opening event hosted over 1,500 guests, enjoying burlesque performances, live art installations, DJ sets and a gallery filled with works from renowned artists such as Stephen Gamson and Eleazar Delgado. “McCormick Place is honored to host the largest party of the year in Downtown Miami. Events focusing on art, culture and nightlife are essential to the vitality of a sustainable and ever evolving community.” – Sean McCormick. The event benefits ‘Save Our Sisters’, a local charity dedicated to breast health awareness, making this event a kick-off to October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The event is free and open to the public.


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