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NSU Art Museum: FREE Fort Lauderdale Neighbor Day
November 29, 2020 @ 11:00 am
Sunday, November 29th at 11am Fort Lauderdale residents receive FREE admission to NSU Art Museum on Fort Lauderdale Neighbor Days. The Museum is open with new health and safety guidelines in place. To view a list of these, click here.
Enjoy the exhibitions Transitions and Transformations, I Paint My Reality: Surrealism in Latin America, William J. Glackens from Pencil to Paint, visit the Museum Cafe (outdoor dining only) and Store and receive 10% off books published by NSU Art Museum.
For free admission, residents must show a photo ID, driver’s license or residential utility bill with proof of Fort Lauderdale address.
Fort Lauderdale Neighbor Day is supported by the City of Fort Lauderdale.