Miami's #1 Art Magazine
Todays Date
1 March 2025

Artist Renda Writer’s ‘World Peace Mural Tour’ Reveals The Power Of Words And Love

Miami artist and poet Renda Writer believes in following his passions. Born in New York, and based in Miami, he draws influence from all of his life experiences and continues to soak up all that life has to offer every new day. Whether it’s with art, poetry, or business, Renda is always working on a new project and always acutely tuned in for manifesting the outcomes and results that he desires.


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World Peace Mural #19 in Mexico City, DF. Santa Fe Art Park at Centro Comercial Santa Fe. Av. Prolongación Vasco de Quiroga 3800, Cuajimalpa de Morelos. Antigua Mina La Totolapa 05109. Ciudad de México, D.F., Mexico.


His World Peace Mural Tour has taken him extensively throughout the United States, to Haiti, Mexico, and now across the Atlantic to England, Italy, Paris, and endless new places continuing his journey of spreading peace and love; creating well over 60 murals to date and counting.


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World Peace Mural #52, Warehouse on Watts, created during the “Philly Unknown Chili Cook-off Fundraiser” at 923 N. Watts Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19123.


The Word Peace Mural Tour is an “endless tour” – Renda Writer’s life’s purpose. It started with the first mural, on April 23rd, 2016 at Georgia-Jones Ayers Middle School in the Allapattah neighborhood of Miami. “I will do the World Peace Mural Tour for the rest of my life,” said the artist. The tour was inspired by the song, “World Peace” by KRS-One, and was motivated by the Gandhi quote, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”


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World Peace Mural #40 on historic Route 66 in Gallup, New Mexico.


​The tour is aligned with the idea of “writing things into existence” and presents a way of using the power of words and the medium of public art to spark conversations and effect change. The artist documents and details all of his murals and work on the tour’s website. The tour is powered by gratitude, being grateful is what keeps Writer going, which is why he has a “gratitude” section on the tour’s official website:


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Mural #45 in Los Angeles’ Koreatown – Koreatown Wallz Project at 2329 W. Pico Boulevard in Los Angeles, California.


With an intimate understanding of The Law of Attraction, Renda enjoys every new day of navigating through the universe as a creator and as a grateful being. He enjoys collaborating with other motivated individuals, through art, poetry, and through business partnerships. His experience in creating the “Handwritten Mural” genre began in October of 2014, when he started work on a project at N’Namdi Contemporary art gallert in the heart of the Wynwood Arts District in Miami, Florida.


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N’Namdi Contemporary Gallery in Wynwood, handwritten mural by Renda Writer, ‘Love is a risk. Do it anyway.”


He set out on the task of using only simple white paint marker to write a simple 2-sentence mantra over and over on the 30′ x 30′ exterior blue wall of the famed art gallery. That mantra is “Love is a risk. Do it anyway.” and it was written approximately 500,000 times across the entire expanse of the wall, taking the artist about 350 hours of labor, over the course of six weeks.


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Renda Writer creating his “Love is a risk. Do it anyway.” at N’Namdi Contemporary gallery in the Wynwood Arts District.


The mural was completed on December 3rd, 2014 just in time for Art Basel Miami Beach, placing Writer in front of thousands of international art fans, making him one of the most widely talked about mural artists in Wynwood.


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As a poet, Renda Writer has been writing, recording, and performing poetry since 2000. He got his start as a poet while living in New York City, working on the streets as a comedy club promoter. Standing on the Manhattan street corners, approaching hundreds of people a day, Renda felt inspired by the movement of the city and the energy of the people. The short conversations and interactions ignited a passion inside of him and he soon found himself jotting down ideas in notebooks while standing on the street corners, in between comedy promotion pitches during the day, and then reciting what he had written by night, at poetry landmark venues such as The Nu-Yorican Poets Café and The Bowery Poetry Club. From there, he went on to perform at the world famous Apollo Theatre in Harlem and was also featured at several poetry slams, open mic nights, and talent showcases throughout New York City.


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World Peace Mural #38 in Dallas, a collaboration between Renda Writer and Jules Muck aka Muck Rock at WAAS Gallery at 2722 Logan Street in Dallas, Texas 75215.


In 2004, Renda moved from NYC to South Florida, and began hitting the performance circuit hard, performing at events all throughout Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties. In 2007 he earned the distinction of being named the Delray Beach Grand Slam Champion and earned a spot on the city’s traveling slam poetry team, where he competed at the National Poetry Slam in Austin Texas.


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World Peace Tour Mural #57 in Gainesville, part of the Urban Revitalization Project in the Southwest Downtown Garage at 105 SW 3rd Street in Gainesville, FL 32601.


As he began hosting his own events, this became another way for him to perform, and he soon became a local celebrity in South Florida for his poetry, events and of course his world famous handwritten murals. Common themes in Renda’s poetry include movement, birds, positivity, The Law of Attraction, writing, goals, dreams, struggle, and just about anything else that moves Renda to write.


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World Peace Tour Mural #21 at 360 Spaces in the Wynwood Arts District at 220 NW 27th Street in Miami, Florida 33127.

Follow the artist on his incredible World Peace Mural Tour and see when and where he creates his next masterpiece! You can help Renda Writer continue his quest by donating to his World Peace Mural Tour in Europe, where new murals will be created 
in The UK and France 
between August 1st – August 25th
. A GoFundMe Campaign 
has been created 
to help fund the new murals, and donations are to be used for:

- Transportation (Planes, Trains, Buses, Uber, Taxi Cabs, etc.)
– Paint (Exterior Paint, Spray Paint)
– Paint Supplies (Paint Trays, Paint Rollers, Roller Pads, Drop Cloths, Painter’s Tape, Ladders, Scissor Lifts)
– Lodging (Hotels, Motels, Hostels, Air BnB)
– Marketing (Paid Social Media Ads, Press Release Distribution, Graphic Design, Flyers, Video)
– Food
, Incidentals
 & Miscellaneous

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