Coconut Grove Arts Festival – Feb.15-17, 2o14
The festival will feature artwork in the form of paintings, ceramics, jewelry, digital art, pottery and much more. For the price of a ticket, visitors are free to wander the charming streets of the Coconut Grove village and delight in visual art. They can also enjoy the pop-up stage in Peacock Park that features local bands, smooth jazz soloists, Americana rock bands and Latin fusion musicians. Entrance to the Coconut Grove Arts Festival is on McFarland Road, and continues down South Bayshore Drive and into Pan American Drive. Nearly one mile of art, food and fun – the gates open at 10am. and close at 6pm. – general admission is $15 per person. Free admission for children ages 12 and under.
The festival is produced by the Coconut Grove Arts & Festival Historic Association, Inc., a non-profit organization that receives no commission from the sale of artwork. A portion of the proceeds from the festival admissions benefits the Coconut Grove Arts & Festival Historic Association, which funds year-round arts programs benefiting a scholarship fund that creates opportunities for Miami-Dade County’s talented students to continue their art education. The Association also maintains the Coconut Grove Arts Festival Gallery I and II, and presents special exhibitions throughout the year. Since it’s inception in 1963, the Association has awarded more than $1oo,ooo in scholarships to students who attend fine arts programs.