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Deering Estate presents Material Nature: Julie Davidow & Alex Nuñez
October 2, 2019 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Wednesday, October 2nd from 6-9pm enjoy the Opening Reception of Material Nature at Deering Estate featuring works by artists Julie Davidow & Alex Nuñez. Material Nature features the work of two Miami-based painters whose works employ the textures, rhythms and patterns found in nature. Immersed in the flora and fauna of South Florida, these paintings reflect the indexical relationships to natural areas that surround them. Emerging from her residency at the Deering Estate, Alex Nuñez’s large scale abstract paintings are a mediation on her research and experience of the site’s natural areas. In Feeding Frenzy, colors and forms appear to vibrate off the canvas like the ripples and swirls she observes in the Deering Estate’s bay vistas. Julie Davidow’s paintings employ a balance of geometric abstraction and biomorphic design. Hard edges meet with sinuous lines and blur the line between material processes and natural processes. The exhibition further connects the legacies of the Deering Estate as a natural preserve and important site for botany and ecology with contemporary art. In addition to the paintings will be archival materials relating to the early explorations of botanist John Kunkel Small during his research trips to the Deering Estate.
The exhibition is on view in the ballroom through January 15, 2020. This Event is Free & Open to the Public. RSVP here.