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Dot Fiftyone Gallery: On the Altars of Vanity with Grethell Rasúa & Harold GarcÃa V
April 24, 2019 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Wednesday, April 24th from 7-9pm join us for a guided tour and drinks with artists Grethell Rasúa and Harold GarcÃa V for their show On The Altar of Vanity at Dot Fiftyone Gallery. Enjoy an intimate cocktail celebration of Dot Fiftyone’s guest gallery exhibition where Grethell Rasúa and Harold Garcia propose a two fold view, addressing themes both of the capitalist, neoliberal and of the communist realm. A research related to the experiences of Garcia in Miami and Rasúa in Cuba. Exhibition on view through April 30, 2019.
Image: Harold GarcÃa V – Grethell Rasúa, from ‘On The Altar of Vanity’.