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Locust Projects: Smash & Grab
October 26, 2019 @ 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Saturday, October 26th from 6:30-9:30pm join us at Locust Projects for their 17th Annual Smash and Grab Art Raffle Fundraiser. Each year this event brings contemporary artists and collectors together to support Locust Projects. The Smash & Grab Fundraiser is one of Locust Projects’ largest sources of revenue for the year. The proceeds provide essential funding for exhibitions and programming. There is no other fundraiser quite like this one. The event revolves around a raffle, for which over one hundred local, national and international artists have donated artwork — enough so that each raffle ticket is guaranteed to win an artwork. Tickets are drawn at random during the party, with the winner getting their choice of artwork (i.e, first called gets first pick, and so on). The result is a fun way to place artwork into collections, connect with Miami’s art community, and support Locust Projects.
Not a member of Locust Projects? Click here to join now at the $125 level or above. At this annual fundraiser everyone is guaranteed to get lucky and go home with one of over 100 artworks by local, national, and international artists.