Wednesday, March 8 at 10:30am enjoy a FREE Lecture by Armando Droulers: Toulouse-Lautrec, from Aristocrat to Bohemian. As a refined aristocrat, master draftsman, printer, illustrator and painter, Henri Raymond de Toulouse Lautrec Monfa recorded the Paris night life. He loved the performances of the cabarets, circuses and operas, leaving us some of the most captivating virtuoso images of La Belle Epoque. Lautrec lived to the rhythm of his creativity: intensely and freely. But pleasure, hard work and excessive drinking caused a gradual decline in his health, leading him to an early death. This lecture by Armando Droulers is FREE. RSVP HERE by March 1st.
Lunch will immediately follow the lecture at 11:30 am
Lunch: Members and Guests: $25 per person