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Pinecrest Gardens presents Antarctic Ice Paintings: Global Coastlines and Underwater HOA by Xavier Cortada
November 8, 2018 @ 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Thursday, November 8th from 7-10pm enjoy the Opening Reception of ‘Antarctic Ice Paintings: Global Coastlines and Underwater HOA’ by Xavier Cortada at the Hibiscus Gallery at Pinecrest Gardens — a solo exhibition premiering works created in Antarctica in 2007. Guests will enjoy a “Meet and Greet” with the artist Xavier Cortada, recipient of a 2006-2007 National Science Foundation Antarctic Artists and Writers fellowship. The artist traveled to Antarctica to implement a series of projects and installations and while there, the Miami artist created Antarctic Ice Paintings using glacier ice, sea ice, and sediment samples provided to him by scientists working in Antarctica. Global Coastlines is a series comprised of all of the artist’s Antarctic works on paper which had not yet been titled (and had never been shown) will be premiered and named at Pinecrest Gardens. One is titled “Antarctica,” another will be titled “Pinecrest.” The remaining sixty works will be titled for another 60 global communities threatened by sea level rise.
This exhibition runs January 13, 2019. It is part of the Miami New Media Festival 2018, organized by Arts Connection Foundation and Concrete Space with the support of the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, the Cultural Affairs Council, the Mayor, and the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners. The exhibition is part of a broader participatory art project aimed at engaging residents in a conversation about the future of their properties. The exhibition will also serve to launch the Underwater HOA participatory public art project the artist is implementing with the Village of Pinecrest to engage their 6,000 households in addressing sea lever rise. Learn more at www.underwaterHOA.com
Image: Xavier Cortada, “Antarctic Ice Paintings | Global Coastlines: Antarctica,” melted Antarctic ice, sediment and mixed media on paper, 9″ x 12″, 2007.