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Spectral Vizcaya: drop-in art-making
February 20, 2021 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Saturday, February 20th from 10am – 3pm enjoy ‘drop-in art-making‘ at Vizcaya Museum & Gardens, join museum staff and artist Sebastian Duncan-Portuondo to make the ornamental theater frame that will be used in the Spectral Vizcaya performance on February 26, 2021.
Creating pieces for the frame is easy and no art-making or technical skill is required. The museum will have facilitators on hand to orient you and all the supplies you will need. This activity is appropriate for anyone 8 and older (though younger children can participate with the support of an adult) – and participants can expect to spend about 30 minutes making a single piece. The frame will decorate the theater screen used during the Spectral Vizcaya performance. Purchase Tickets here.
All events and workshops are designed with health and safety regulations in mind. Please bring your mask and look out for more details to come.
**This event is drop-in. “We will be ready for you anytime between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Once you’re on site, you’re free to stay until we close.”